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Staging: The Secret to Selling Your Home

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Whether selling a home in rural Southwest Missouri or the more urban St. Louis, sellers are dying to know how they can set up their home to maximize appeal and get the price they want. This is where staging comes into play. Staging is the art of rearranging your things to make it look as awesome as possible! Keep reading to get some staging tips that will make your home stand out in the real estate market.

Find a Focal Point

First things first, identify the focal point of each room. In the bedrooms, the bed needs to be the center of attention. In the living room, the focal point could be a fireplace, a window, a ceiling fan, or a TV. A dining room will probably be centered around a large table. You get the picture. If a room doesn’t have a natural focal point, you can create one by hanging a statement piece of art, a large mirror, or a custom light fixture.

Create Balance

Now think of your focal point like the fulcrum of a scale or the line of symmetry. When you add a piece of furniture to one side of the room, add an item of equal (or similar) size to the other side. Think balance.

For example, if you have a large couch in your living room, balance the room by centering the couch with the focal point or countering it with two or three smaller items such as chairs or end tables. If you put a tall floor lamp on one side of the TV, you’ll want something with a similar height or size on the other side to balance it out. Try another lamp, a floor vase or a wall hanging. Get the idea? It’s all about balance.

Tie it all Together

Once you have your large items arranged and balanced in a space, it’s time to tie it all together. Pick a color or theme for each room, but don’t overdo it. Accent pillows work wonders and can easily be changed for holidays and seasons! If you have hard floors like tile or wood, rolling out a large rug is a simple way to set a room apart. Your rug should be centered on the focal point, cover most (or all) of the space, and compliment the color/theme you chose for the room.

There you have it. Identify your focal points, create balance in each room, and tie it all together. BOOM. Your home is ready to sell!

Let us take it from here! You can contact one of our Missouri Home, Farm & Land LLC quality real estate agents on our website by CLICKING HERE or by giving us a call at 417-777-3300.

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