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Unpacking Tips: Where to Start

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For some, unpacking your belongings in a new house is fun, kind of like unwrapping presents on Christmas morning. For others, though, unpacking the tower of boxes feels like a never-ending task. No matter how you feel about moving into a new home, we have some unpacking tips to help you get settled in a little easier.

moving boxes

But first, before you begin the unpacking process, there are a few things to consider:

  • Have you thoroughly cleaned your new home? It will be so much better to do a deep cleaning now before you start taking everything out of the boxes. Or, if you are able to do so, hire professional cleaners to tackle the job for you.
  • Place your belongings in their respective locations. After you have cleaned, sort out your boxes according to what area of the house they belong in. Put the boxes labeled “Kitchen” in the kitchen, and so on. This will help you stay on track and help the mountain of boxes look and feel more manageable.
  • Where do you want your big items to go? Place all of your big ticket items in their spot before adding the contents of your boxes. Position your couch, loveseat, recliners, tables, appliances, etc., where you want them to go first, then start filling in as you go.
  • Do you need everything you are unpacking? You probably already did this before packing, but just in case you didn’t, we wanted to put this quick reminder out there: You don’t have to keep everything you unpack. If it’s time for it to go, or if it just doesn’t fit in your new home, consider donating it. Sometimes, less is more!
kitchen utensils

Start with the essential items.

There’s nothing worse than spending your first night in your new house digging through boxes looking for those must have items. Think toothbrush, bed sheets, etc. You’re going to want to know exactly where the most important items are when you arrive.

One quick tip is to pack a box with essentials like basic toiletries, medications, paperwork, keys, basic food items, a change of clothes, and fresh towels. You will be so thankful that you did!

Here are some areas to really focus on first:

  • Kitchen: Once you get your appliances running, grab some plates, cups, and silverware. Next, get some pots and pans out and handy, too, so that you can heat up some food to hold you over for the time being.
  • Bathroom: Having your toiletries ready when you need them will be a benefit to you after a long day of unpacking. Have some toilet paper, soap, toothbrushes, and towels handy. You’ll be ready for a rinse, and having everything within reach will feel good!
  • Bedroom: Similar to having the bathroom in order, you’ll want to focus on the bedroom a bit as well. You can focus on decorating and getting clothes put away eventually, but for now, have your sheets and pillows ready so that you can climb into bed when you are done for the day.
  • Children’s Rooms: One of the best ways to help kids acclimate to a new house is to set up their rooms first. Once you have the kitchen and bathroom somewhat set up, spend some time with your kiddos and help them with their rooms. Once they see familiar items (favorite toys, blankets, pictures, etc.), they will feel more at home. Plus, once you have some of their toys out, then they will be focused on playing and exploring, and you just might be able to get more finished yourself. Click here for more tips on moving with children.

walk in park

Take it easy on yourself. 

While buying a new home is exciting, moving is a lot of work, and there’s no reason to try to get it all done in one day. Once you have your necessities unpacked, take breaks, even though it’s tempting to just forge ahead and work until you are finished. Stop and enjoy your new surroundings for a bit – go for a walk around your brand-new neighborhood or explore your land. Visit a local shop. Explore the nearby parks. This is especially important if you have little ones. It will start to feel like home when everyone is enjoying themselves along with the unpacking. 

On the other hand, don’t get too relaxed and comfortable before the unpacking is done. You’ll be relying on your boxes for a while if you do! Just find that happy medium between rushing and procrastination. You’ve got this!

Ready to look for a new home? Click here to see what’s available or call us at 417-777-3300.

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