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Upgrading Your Home Office in 5 Easy Steps

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While many have returned back to in-person work, there are those who are still signing on each day from their home offices. Whether you have a designated office space or you are working at your dining room table each day, there are some little things you can do to create a more functional home office in any space. By focusing a little more on your work environment, you’ll find that your productivity and efficiency (and overall morale) will improve.

home office

Try some of these tips to upgrade your work area:

đź’» Create a designated office space.

Not everyone may have an actual room for an office, and that’s okay! Look around your home and find a spot that can be arranged into a workspace. It can be a corner of your living room, a section of your bedroom, or even a nook in your dining room or kitchen. Decide on a spot that works for you and your family, and designate it specifically for work.

Keep in mind that sitting on the couch with your laptop in hand is not the best idea, as it is not always conducive to higher productivity levels. Likewise, when it’s time to shut things down for the day, it can be hard to separate work from play. When you sit on your couch, you need to be able to allow yourself a break to unwind and destress. You need that separation. So, choose a spot to work, and choose a spot for play. Try not to allow the two to become blurred. Your overall physical and mental health will thank you for it!

Also, keep in mind when you are choosing your designated office space that you need to limit distractions and try to have some natural lighting (or add other light sources if needed).

đź’» Organize and declutter the area.

Trying to stay focused in the midst of chaos and clutter is almost impossible. Take a few minutes to declutter your workspace. Get rid of junk paper and mail, extra cups or coffee mugs that seem to congregate on your desk, give everything a quick wipe down to remove the dust, etc. When you feel good about your workspace, your overall attitude will shift. Physical space goes hand in hand with mental space, so make some room, which will only help your productivity increase.

đź’» Add some greenery.

Adding some greenery to your surroundings can help boost your morale and reduce stress levels. Try putting even just one plant on or near your desk. Bring some life to your work area!

If you don’t have any light to help your potted friend survive, consider a low light plant or even an artificial one. Today’s fake plants are not the same as they used to be! Sometimes, it can be hard to tell the difference.

đź’» Establish some office-home boundaries (for you and family members).

Many of us are sharing our home offices, whether it’s with our significant other or with our children. When the little ones are home, the pets are running around, and the spouse is on the phone, it’s important that you set some clear rules to communicate what everyone can and can’t do during work time. Come up with a system that lets everyone know when it’s time for zero interruptions. You’ve probably noticed that if you don’t do that, productivity drops, and stress soars. If you are the only one home at this time, this is less critical, but for those times when it’s a family event, be sure to talk about what can and can’t be done at certain times.

đź’» Divide up your room.

If your office is actually a shared space (part of your living room, dining room, etc.), then consider purchasing a room divider. Room dividers are an easy way to separate your workspace from the rest of your living space, giving you the feeling of privacy. There are many different types out there now, including a folding style that can be easily put away at the end of the day or week, or you can go with a more stable option, such as a bookshelf that serves as a divider and organizer/extra storage space. Plus, these can add a pop of color or design to help spruce up your workday surroundings.

Working from home can totally change the dynamics of your home. Click here for 4 ways to Make Your Home Your Happy Place!

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