While we’re not quite ready to clean things up from our holidays, we know it’s coming! Where to begin? Once the Christmas festivities have taken place, and it’s time to get the house back in order, we’ve shared a few tips to help make this process a little smoother for you.

Clear a path. Start with the floor.
After opening presents, sharing meals, and taking the packaging off of all those new toys, there’s bound to be a mess all over the floor. First, tackle that mountain of wrapping paper, boxes and bows. Then, bust out the vacuum to get those little scraps and pieces of glitter that will inevitably be left behind. You don’t want to leave any small pieces that your pets or little ones might find.
If you’re like us, there is always SO much wrapping paper going straight to the trash can. Before you throw that pretty paper away, consider reducing the waste and reusing some of it! This article has some great ideas: 19 Clever Ways to Use Leftover Wrapping Paper.
Check for stains.
Accidents happen and stains are a part of family gatherings. A sprinkle gets ground into the carpet. A mug of cocoa gets knocked over on the floor. Whatever it may be, the sooner you work on those stains, the better. The longer they set, the more difficult they will be to remove. Before you head to the store for carpet cleaner, start with a little soap and water. Use a spray bottle to apply a mixture of warm water and mild dishwashing liquid. Blot the spot with a paper towel and continue spraying and blotting until the stain is gone. Rinse with clear water and blot again. Fluff the spot and give it some time to dry. If you need something a little stronger, try a mixture of vinegar, water, and a gentle, non-bleach detergent. Be sure to do a test run on your carpet first to ensure that it doesn’t discolor.
Take pictures.
Before we get to our next point, this is something people don’t think to do very frequently. Before you tear everything down for the year, snap a few pictures of your decorations, your tree, etc. Not only are these a great keepsake and memories to look back on, but they will also help you when you start to decorate again next year. You can always make changes or additions the next year, but you’ll have a guide to help you get started when it’s time to break out the decorations again.
Put away your Christmas decorations.
There’s something magical about decorating your home for Christmas, but somehow that magic wears off when the time comes to put it all away. Here’s a video from Simply Preet bringing you Christmas clean-up hacks that will help make the process smoother this year and in years to come!
Pay special attention to the breakables and non-breakables! Consider labeling the boxes so that extra care can be taken when getting these boxes down next year. You could even go all out and have a box for lights, one for village decor, etc. It may take a little time upfront, but it will be a lifesaver in about a year from now!
Take down the tree.
Put away the artificial tree.
Before you wrestle that artificial tree back into the box, check out these Christmas clean-up tips to make the process a little easier!
- Check for burnt out bulbs. You’ll kick yourself next year when it’s time to get the tree out again and you have entire branches that aren’t lit. If you need more bulbs, now is a great time to buy them since all of the holiday supplies and decor are on sale!
- Make sure everything is unplugged. Before you start pulling pieces apart, be sure you have unplugged the tree from the wall and any cords within the tree. It would be awful to accidentally yank a cord and damage a plug.
- Purchase a larger storage container. We all know that getting a tree into the box it came in is a nightmare. It never fits quite right and you have to squish it as flat as possible, undoing all of your hard work fluffing. Use a container that’s a little bit larger to save yourself some work this year and next when it’s time to get it out again.
Repurpose your real Christmas tree!
- Find a Christmas Tree drop off. Help the community.
- The most common use for your tree is to make mulch or compost out of it. Whether it’s with the wood chips or needles, mulch is a great way to keep your yard trees healthy and moist during the cold winter season. Pine needles are full of nutrients that enhance the PH of your soil if its more alkaline and allow your soil to breathe without becoming dense and compacted.
- Fish feeder – When trees are submerged in water they become a thriving reserve for fish to congregate in. The weight of the tree acts as an anchor, and as time passes algae starts to form on the tree, feeding fish while protecting them from predators. Check with local officials to see if you can drop your tree in a nearby body of water.
- Use green needles as air fresheners year round.
If you have time off during this holiday season and are interested in learning more about what’s on the market, be sure to click here to visit the listings area of our website or call 417-777-3300 to chat with us.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!