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Making Christmas Memories with Your Kids

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There’s nothing quite like seeing the magic of Christmas through your child’s eyes. It’s just that – magical. The memories we make with our children now can last an entire lifetime and even influence future generations! There is no denying that it’s a busy time of year, and the thought of adding one more thing to our endless to-do list seems exhausting to even think about. However, there are many little things that you can incorporate into your holidays that may seem small and insignificant to you, but they may mean the world to your children.

Check out some different ways to add a little cheer and magic to your child’s holiday (and maybe even to yours)!

🎄 Write your own Christmas carols and sing them together as a family. If this seems too daunting, then just sing the classic carols together. If you want to up the ante, have a singing competition! Remember, you’re not looking for a singing contract; you’re just looking to have some fun (and laughter) with your kiddos.

🎄 Create a Christmas photo booth. Either purchase some photo booth props or make your own! Then, have fun being silly with the little ones!

🎄 Write letters to Santa. Creating their wishlist is a fun way to get in the Christmas spirit!

🎄 Bake sugar cookies together. Consider having the cookie batter already prepared so that the kids don’t have to wait. (We all know the waiting isn’t always the fun part…for anyone!) Have foil, paper, or even a plastic tablecloth out to contain the mess. Then, go crazy with icing and sprinkles!

🎄 Build a gingerbread house. There are tons of kits available nowadays to purchase. Or, if you’re really skilled, bake your own. Consider having a competition to see who builds the best house, or just focus on building and eating the spare pieces.

🎄 Make reindeer food for Christmas night. We leave cookies and milk for Santa, but what about his trusty reindeer? Create a snack just for them to set out. You can find different ideas online of what to include in the treat. Some common ingredients are birdseed, dry oatmeal, etc. You can even jazz it up a bit by adding edible glitter. Give your yard a little sprinkle of the reindeer food, and watch the excitement grow in your child’s eyes!

🎄 Watch Christmas movies/cartoons. It’s time for a movie marathon! From the classics to the newer releases, there are many movies to enjoy as a family. Pop some popcorn, get your Christmas pajamas on, and snuggle up for a night of cuddles, laughter, and yummy treats.

🎄 Do some crafting with pine cones. Paint them to make cute Christmas trees. They can become ornaments that you hang on the tree or they can be a decoration in a centerpiece.

🎄 Build a runway for Santa and his sleigh. You can make this as simple or elaborate as you want. Christmas lights will suffice, or you can add battery-powered lights to bags to put along the “runway.” Maybe even have a “Welcome” sign ready for his arrival!

🎄 Cut out paper snowflakes! This is an inexpensive way to entertain kiddos for a while. Get yourself some paper, age-appropriate scissors, and you’re good for hours of entertainment!

🎄 Go for a Christmas lights drive. You can drive through the streets or maybe even a park if you have one nearby that has lights out. You can find some pretty elaborate lights out there, with some even set to music. This is a fun activity for all ages.

🎄 Make and send cards to family and friends. Homemade cards are just the cutest and will be treasured by loved ones. Not only will you spread holiday cheer, but you will be creating a keepsake for whoever is on the receiving end.

We hope you all enjoy this special time with family and friends, and we wish you the best memories! Get out there and have fun, and maybe even create some new memories along the way.

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