Thanksgiving and the extended break that comes with it is chock full of food, family, friends, and fun. From the delicious smells to the laughter among family members, it’s a day to remember. While the Thanksgiving table tends to steal the show, when it comes time to put the leftovers away, people head back home, and after your long-awaited nap, what kind of things do you and your family do? Now is the perfect time to make some fun, new memories and maybe even add some new traditions to your family’s repertoire.

🦃 Consider taking a scenic drive to enjoy the fall foliage before it’s too late. It will be a while before we see leaves on the trees, so take advantage of it now before it’s too late.
🥧 For those leaves that have already fallen, grab your rake, gather them up, and let the kiddos enjoy a few last jumps in them. It will provide endless entertainment for them, and they will look back one day on the time you spent outside together laughing, falling, and having a great time together.

🦃 Create a Thanksgiving craft, or if you’re ready to start thinking ahead a bit, change that to a Christmas craft. If you have little ones, check out this site that gives you some great ideas of things to create together. If you want to be a part of the craft-making festivities, consider painting Christmas ornaments that can be put on the tree or making your own wreath. These mementos will bring memories and smiles for years!
🥧 Read a new book! This is a great time to curl up on the couch, sip some hot chocolate, and read that book you’ve been wanting to for a while now. Your kids can be a part of this, too! Create a reading nook or just spread out some blankets and pillows, get cozy, and spend some quiet time together.
🦃 Have a movie or series marathon. Maybe you have some movies that you watch every year, or maybe you want to start some new traditions. Now is the perfect time! Either check out the local theater or create your own movie theater at home. If you like to watch a series of shows better, now is the perfect opportunity to have a binge-watching session to get caught up on the shows you are behind on. Grab some candy, pop some popcorn, and snuggle in to watch as many movies or shows that you can fit in!

🥧 Host a game night. Break out all the board games and cards that you have stuffed in your closets. Have some snacks, grab your family and friends, and let the friendly (mostly friendly, anyway 😁) competition begin!
🦃 Consider putting together a new puzzle. This can be a great activity for the whole family to enjoy and to pass the time together. You can start by putting together an easy one, then up the ante by working on a more challenging one. The best part is that you are home for multiple days, so the puzzle can stay out rather than moving it back and forth. Because no one wants to get to the end and realize there are pieces missing!
🥧 Volunteer in your community. While we may love Thanksgiving and the holidays, it may not be the happiest time for everyone. Consider giving back to your community and those in need by volunteering at your local shelters or by donating clothing or food items.

🦃 Go for a hike or a walk. If you want to walk off some of that big meal or if you just want to soak in as much of the outdoors that you can, go for a walk or find a local trail to hike. Bundle up if necessary, take plenty of water, and get your blood pumping in the great outdoors. There truly is no better place than the Ozarks to soak in nature!
🥧 Play or watch some football. It’s that time of year! Whether you are playing in a backyard family game and tackling your uncles, or watching your favorite team on television, break out your favorite jerseys and get ready to celebrate!
🦃 Clean out your house before Christmas. While this may not be the most popular item on this list, we all know what’s coming soon…presents. When your houses are all decked out with decorations and new toys, you’ll be so thankful that you got rid of some things first. Plus, you can donate some items you are ready to part with.
🥧 Decorate for Christmas. If you are feeling the holiday spirit, go ahead and break out those decorations! Fill your house with music, fix up the tree, and make some special memories with your family. After all, December is right around the corner…

🦃 Check out your old photos. There is no better time to look back at your old family photos and reminisce. You could even watch old family movies. There is just something special and nostalgic about doing so, especially during the holidays.
🥧 To piggyback on the one above, consider doing some new family photos! While not everyone in the family may be excited about this activity, you will all be thankful in the years to come. Then, print them out and put them on your wall.
🦃 Give thanks. Take time to acknowledge what you are thankful for, and, most importantly, who you are thankful for. Create a “thankful jar” where you record things and people you are thankful for. Don’t forget to share that with your family once it fills up. Showing kindness and gratitude are always heart-warming activities for everyone!
We hope you all enjoy your time with family, your meal, and the memories you make this Thanksgiving. With something on this list for everyone – kids and adults alike – get out there and have fun, and maybe even create some new traditions while you’re at it. Happy Thanksgiving!
Interested in looking for new homes or land while you’re out and about this Thanksgiving break? Be sure to check out our listings. If you have any questions or want to talk more, send us a message here or call 417-777-3300. We’ll be happy to help!