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5 Signs That It May Be Time to Move

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It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married, or have a larger family – moving is always a big deal. There is so much involved from packing to paperwork, unpacking, and unexpected fees. Plus, the longer you live in one spot, the harder it is to leave because you’ve got deep roots and a lot of… well, stuff. If the monster of moving has you second-guessing whether you should do it or not, we can help.

We’ve created a list of signs to help you know if it’s the right time for you to move. Read through these indicators to help you decide if moving now is the right decision for you and your family.

➡️ Job change or shorter commute

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number one reason people move is for a new job or job transfer. Sometimes making a move isn’t necessary if you’re willing to commute or your new job is already close to home; however, if you find yourself with a new job opportunity that’s further away, it might be time for you to move. Whether you plan to move to this new town or just a few miles down the road to cut down on your commute time, this move could save you HOURS of driving time each week. It’s probably worth it!

➡️ Change in financial situation

Whether you’ve had a job change or not, any change in income could present an opportunity to move. A raise may give you the financial boost you need to purchase that dream home you’ve had your eye on! Or on the other hand, a decrease in income could make moving a smart decision. The experts say that your housing costs are too high if your home is costing you 28% or more of your monthly income before taxes. If you find yourself in over your head in bills, it might be time to think about downsizing.

➡️ The market is hot

Another great reason to move is to take advantage of a hot real estate market. Housing prices are currently on the rise, so if you’re interested in getting a return on your investment, now could be a good time to sell. It is helpful if you’ve owned your home for at least 5 years before you try to sell without losing money. It can also take time for a property to appreciate in value. The market is always changing, so before you make the decision to sell, it’s important to do your research. Ask around, see what other houses in your neighborhood are going for, and most importantly, ask your realtor for their expertise! We would love to help you get your home on the market if the price is right!

➡️ Space is an issue

For some of you, your family is growing, parents are moving in, or you just have too much stuff with nowhere to put it. If you need more space, don’t be afraid to upgrade to a place with more room that better suits your needs. On the other hand, we know there are some in the opposite boat. Maybe you’re empty nesters or have been “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” and now have more room than you know what to do with. Downsizing might be just the right move for you. There is no reason to pay for extra space you don’t need! In fact, downsizing in order to have more money available to travel, retire, or vacation is another one of the most popular reasons for moving!

➡️ Ready for a new neighborhood

After you live in a place for so long, things tend to change. People come and go, your preferences shift, and all of a sudden you might not enjoy living in a neighborhood you once did. Things like disruptive, unsafe neighbors and loud dogs or cars can add a layer of stress to life that just doesn’t have to be there. Ask yourself if your current location fits your lifestyle and your needs, and if not, go ahead and make a move. If the neighborhood itself is declining, you definitely want to try to sell your place while there is still some appeal for someone else to buy.

Even if the signs are all there, you may still be on the fence about moving. We would love to help you through this decision-making process. Give us a call so we can share our expertise, help you sell your property for a good price, and relocate you and your family to a home that better suits your current needs. You can reach us at 417-777-3300 or online at

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