While our gardens may be taking a few months off, gearing up for a big season that will be here before we know it, our indoor plants need some TLC to keep them thriving in the meantime. The winter months can be tough on plants if we don’t take proper care of them. Check out […]
With a new year comes new trends. It’s always fun to see the shifts in design from year to year. Sometimes a fresh start is just what we need to refresh our home and ourselves. While there are different directions one can go in, there was a common theme in many designers’ predictions for the […]
It’s about that time… Time for people all over the world to sit down and create their list of New Year’s resolutions. Some of the most common personal resolutions involve eating healthier, exercising more, and saving money. But as you look ahead to the new year, what are some goals you have set for your […]
It’s getting to be that time of year – the time when you get to enjoy your fuzzy socks, a cup of hot cocoa, and the fire crackling in the background. On these chilly days, nothing beats curling up next to the fireplace to warm up and enjoy some downtime. While fireplaces are a commonly […]
It’s that time of year – the crackling fireplace, fuzzy socks, amazing smells wafting throughout the house… While your home is your safe haven after a long day at work or at school, there are things you can do during the fall and winter seasons to up the cozy factor. Making some small and inexpensive […]
When it comes time to downsize and move to a smaller home, it can be bittersweet. But as you embark on this new venture in life, it’s important to preserve all of the happy memories while trying to minimize as much clutter as possible. While it can be an emotional process, it can also be […]
It’s that time of year! We’re about to be surrounded by superheroes, goblins, witches, and princesses. You probably have your Halloween candy ready, but is your home safe and secure in preparation for the holiday festivities and the little ones who will be anxiously knocking on your door? Check out these safety tips to make […]
When we wrap up work, school, or a busy day out and about, it’s just nice to be home. The last thing we tend to want to do is put everything up in its spot before saying hello to the family or getting our comfy clothes on. However, your drop zone (the entryway, mudroom, or […]
We all know that our homes can get overwhelming at times. Not because of the people in it necessarily (although that can happen too, if we’re being honest!), but with all the things we have around. And with “all the things” comes issues with organization. The great news is that there are some pretty minor […]
Ahhh, the fall season – the onset of cooler weather and less yard work. Well, if you have lived in the Ozarks very long, you know that’s not always the case. Yes, we may some cooler temperatures to enjoy after some long hot stretches, but the lawn care is far from over. It’s not uncommon […]