It’s no secret that as a whole, people are stressed out. Most Americans function under moderate to high levels of stress and confess they feel like that stress is increasing over time. Toss a global pandemic on top of that, and many of us feel like we’re teetering on the edge of insanity! It can […]
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans spend 93% of their lives indoors. Whoa. Many people have the desire to get outside, but don’t find the time to do it. Feelings of being cooped up have only been heightened by the recent shutdowns and social distancing measures. As a result, many home buyers are […]
For some of you, this work from home thing isn’t going away anytime soon. The demand for a home office is skyrocketing. Most people figured they would be working from home temporarily, so they didn’t go out of their way to create a designated work space. We’re seeing that this has decreased productivity AND made […]
Staging a home isn’t just about the interior. There’s no doubt that an attractive front yard will boost your curb appeal and positively impact a potential buyer’s first impression. But, let’s be honest. Landscaping can be a monster of a chore! Many people find themselves going in circles asking, “Where do I begin?” After watering […]
What do renters want? Unfortunately, you can often pick out which properties are rentals when you drive down the street. Rental properties get a bad rap for being unkempt and dated. If you want to fix up a rental property to attract quality tenants and generate more income, there are simple ways you can update […]
We have already had some HOT summer days in Southwest Missouri. If you’re like us, you probably have the AC cranked ready for a higher electric bill. Did you know you can cool your home comfortably without sending your summer electric bills sky high? Here are our top 10 tips to help lower your electric […]
The floor plan of a home influences every aspect of the home from construction to design to everyday living. It’s important to weigh the benefits of open and closed floor plans when thinking about design. Open floor plans are hogging the spotlight right now receiving all of the attention from the real estate and interior […]
Never before have so many families spent this much time together inside their own homes. It’s no surprise that people are getting stir crazy. Some are discovering that their home is not as big as they thought it was. Or that a home office might have been a good idea after all. With few places […]
On top of this coronavirus pandemic, you may have forgotten that it’s tornado season in Missouri. Tornadoes can occur any time of year, but they typically peak between April and June here in Tornado Alley. One thing you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones safe is install a storm shelter in or […]
Gardening – an outdoor activity that will keep the family busy AND add value to your home! If you’ve already got a green thumb, this won’t be news to you. According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, 75 percent of respondents claimed to have a greater desire to be at home after […]