One of the most amazing things about Thanksgiving Day is walking into a house full of scrumptious smells – warm rolls, yummy pies, juicy turkey, and the list just goes on and on. But how often do these delightful aromas evolve into the smell of smoke? According to the National Fire Protection Association, Thanksgiving is one of the “peak days” for fires caused by home cooking, resulting in three times the daily average for incidents such as this, with Christmas Day and Christmas Eve following close behind. With all those delicious dishes cooking, the fire risk is significant on Turkey Day. Here’s what you can do to promote Thanksgiving fire safety in your home.
Thanksgiving Fire Safety Tips
#1 Dress smart.
Although many of us love wearing loose sweaters and bulky scarves this time of year, those aren’t the right fashion choices if you’ll be the one doing the cooking. Loose, baggy clothing is far more likely to catch on fire. Instead, wear something that won’t accidentally get caught on a hot pot handle or ignite as you lean over the stove to reach the back burners.
#2 Equip your home.
Before you fire up the oven, make sure all of your smoke alarms are working and have working batteries, especially those near the kitchen. Also, have a fire extinguisher on hand. This is one of those cases where it’s better to be safe than sorry.
#3 Fry that bird outside.
It is never a good idea to fry a turkey indoors, no matter the weather. Keep the fryer outside, away from walls, and free from moisture. Why? Deep fryers pose a serious fire hazard. According to the National Fire Protection Association, deep fryers are responsible for five deaths, 60 injuries, the destruction of 900 homes, and more than $15 million in property damage every year.
#4 Keep an eye on the kids.
As you gather the family together, that can be lots of little ones running around. Innocent playing can quickly become dangerous as soon as you’ve got one chasing another through the kitchen. Keep kids a safe distance from all heat sources – the oven, the stove, the fryer, or even burning candles – to prevent a fire or serious injury. Take a second to teach your kids about all you’re doing to promote Thanksgiving fire safety, so they can do their part to help.
#5 Turn off the heat.
As soon as you’re ready to serve that delicious meal, be sure to turn off all heat sources. It’s so easy to leave a burner on or forget to turn off the oven in the midst of talking, cooking, and laughing with loved ones.
Are you hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year? Click here for some tips on making room in your home for all of your Turkey Day guests.