When selling your home, you are likely to get a lot of advice. While most of it is well-meaning, the truth of the matter is that there are many myths circulating out there about what needs to be done when putting your house on the market.
When selling what is probably the most valuable investment you own, be sure to take the time to do your research about what is truly necessary and what is not to save yourself time, money, and headaches in the long run. Check out these four tips to help get you started on the right path toward your real estate destination!

❌ Myth 1: The exterior of my home is not as important as the interior.
✔️ Truth: Potential buyers will make judgments on your home as soon as they drive up.

We’ve said this before in our posts, but it is important to say it again… First impressions matter! Curb appeal is an area that homeowners must pay attention to in order to make a good impression. When people are interested in a home, many times they drive by the potential property long before reaching out to a real estate agent to do a more serious inquiry.
If the buyers see that your yard is unkempt, fences are broken, and trash is scattered around the home, they may not be interested in seeing what the inside of your home looks like. They may have seen enough and could possibly just keep on driving to the next place of interest.
There is good news, though! There are some fast and inexpensive ways to improve the curb appeal of your home. Mow your yard, replace light bulbs, fix any broken fences or guttering, add some paint to your door if needed, etc. These are small ways to make a huge impact! Check out more ways to enhance the look of your home here from one of our recent blogs: Quick Tips for Instant Curb Appeal.
❌ Myth 2: I have to make some major renovations before even thinking about listing my home.
✔️ Truth: Not every home improvement project is worth doing before selling your home.

Doing major home renovation projects before selling isn’t always recommended. In fact, many times, you may not recoup the investment you made. However, making some smaller upgrades and lower-cost repairs could help. For example, you might consider replacing your sink faucets if they are really outdated or grimy beyond cleaning. You might also think about your cabinet hardware or doorknobs. If an upgrade there would improve the look and feel of your home, that is a simple and fairly inexpensive way to make a big difference. Take a look at your front door, your landscaping, or even do some touch-up painting. These are areas that are much more manageable and can help pay for themselves in the long run.
Renovate what is necessary, not what you think will get you more money. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing that money (and a whole lot of effort) in the end.
❌ Myth 3: Staging isn’t important as long as my house looks clean.
✔️ Truth: Potential buyers want to see the home as clean and move-in ready.

We get it. You live in your home. And when you live in your home, you’re going to accumulate different things over time. Remember, though, that potential buyers aren’t looking at your “stuff”; they are looking at the home and the space, and they are trying to envision their family living there.
First step? Clean and declutter! While it can be hard to move some of your sentimental belongings into a box, it’s important to minimize things that take up space. Consider tossing some nonessential items and maybe even storing those extra special knick-knacks for a while. You can always bring them back out in your new home. But, for the time being, think “less is more.”
Once you have cleaned up and gotten rid of some things, it’s time to do some staging! This does not mean that you have to remove all of your furniture and replace it with new or rented pieces. It simply means possibly doing some rearranging or even removing some pieces, for now, to allow for more space. Remember…it’s only temporary! Also, consider cleaning out your closets and kitchen cabinets to allow potential buyers to see a spacious area full of potential.
❌ Myth 4: This isn’t the best time of year to sell my home.

✔️ Truth: Homes sell all year long.
Yes, certain times of the year may be busier, but the truth is that houses sell year-round. If you are ready to sell, don’t let the calendar stop you. There are things you can do to help the selling process, depending on the time of year. For example, if you are selling in the spring and summer, get your landscaping on point. Get the flowers up, mow your lawn, etc. If you are selling in the fall, make sure you have fall plants out, rake up any leaves, and decorate for the fall season. And, if it’s wintertime, keep your driveway and sidewalks cleared of ice, snow, or any fallen debris from winter storms.
There are many myths out there that can be overwhelming when you start to think about selling your home. Just be sure to do your research and talk to a trusted real estate agent to help guide you along the way. Selling is an exciting time and shouldn’t be a stressful event.
If you have any questions, give us a call at 417-777-3300 to talk about what you can do to get your house ready to go on the market!