Whether you live in the middle of town with neighbors all around or in the country with a few people sprinkled here and there, being a good neighbor is important. Neighbors can play a very important role in our communities and in our family’s lives. From a sense of belonging to helping out in times of need, getting to know those around you can make your life more harmonious and fulfilling.
So, no matter if you are a social butterfly or one who prefers to stay to yourself, there are some basic rules of etiquette to follow to be a good neighbor to those around you. Check out these five tips to improve your neighborly know-how…

1. Be courteous.
We all want our neighbors to be good. But, in order to have good neighbors, we need to be a good neighbor. And one of the very first places to start is pretty simple: be courteous. There are many different ways to show kindness to those geographically close to us. We’ve all seen neighbors on television bring cookies or other treats to someone who recently moved in. Well, that’s not just for Hollywood, and it doesn’t have to be reserved only for newcomers. Take some treats to your neighbors for no good reason, other than just to say hi. If you’re not confident in your cooking abilities, that’s okay, too! Buy something and take it to them – treats or flowers. It’s the act of going out of your way to extend kindness that really matters.
Another way to be courteous is to control the noise level. If you like to listen to music or host get-togethers outside, consider those around you and the time you’re doing so. If you’re having a party, keep it to a reasonable volume, and you might even consider inviting your neighbors to join you. Being noise-conscious is an important piece to the puzzle in preventing any animosity or issues later on.
As a neighbor, it’s important to build relationships. You don’t have to be best buddies or hang out all of the time if you don’t want to, but building trust with those who live next to you can go a long way on your road to peaceful, happy living.

2. Volunteer to help.
Another trait of a good neighbor is volunteering to help fellow neighbors (before even asked). This could be as simple as carrying in groceries for an elderly neighbor or the parent trying to wrangle little ones or clearing the driveway or sidewalk after a big snow. It could also mean volunteering to help paint a fence or pulling weeds out of the flower bed. If you have kids, get them involved, too. Not only is it going to teach them how to be a good neighbor in the future and how to help others, but it will also help them learn even more about work ethic.
Helping others is good for the soul, and it also builds trust. Plus, when you help others, if you are even in a bind, it’s nice to receive help as well.

3. Keep your place clean.
Keeping your property tidy is essential in keeping the peace in your neighborhood. Make sure you keep your trash where it’s supposed to be rather than strewn all over the yard. If your fence is broken, try to get it fixed so as not to be an eyesore to those around you.
Also, keep up with seasonal maintenance, such as trimming your hedges, especially keeping them trimmed and away from your neighbor’s property. Try to have a spot to house your bicycles, scooters, outside toys, etc., to contain the clutter. Look around and pick up anything out of place to keep it neat and tidy.

4. Maintain your yard.
While this goes with #3 above, it warrants its own section in this post. Keeping your yard well-maintained is important to the look of your home and that of the entire neighborhood. Mow your yard, keep your shrubs and hedges trimmed, pay attention to the edging, pull weeds, etc. These will make a huge difference in the overall appearance of your property.
Consider adding flowers to your place to really spruce it up. Making an effort to keep a well-kept lawn is a property owner’s responsibility, and it’s one way to be a good, respectful neighbor.

5. Share your numbers.
There are actually many reasons why you would want to have your neighbor’s phone number. Once you build some trust, mention sharing numbers so that you have them in the event of an emergency. For example, if you are out of town or even at work, and your neighbor notices something out of the ordinary, you want them to be able to get in touch with you. If you have animals and something happens, they can reach you quickly. Or, it could be something as simple as a package being delivered to the wrong address by accident. You would want to be able to call around and ask or even reach out to them if you got their package by mistake.
Just because you have their number doesn’t mean you need to talk every day if you don’t want to, but it is important to have just in case something comes up. And, who knows, maybe you want to invite them to your next backyard barbecue (see #1 above)! đ

It’s really important to love your neighborhood (or the area you live in if you don’t have really close neighbors), and part of that is being a good neighbor yourself. Take proper care of your property, be courteous, and be on the lookout for your neighbors. These simple tips can make a huge impact on the overall atmosphere of your home and your surroundings.
Are you ready to start looking for a new neighborhood? Give us a call today at 417-777-3300 to talk about what’s out there, or view some of our listings here. The market is hot, and there are plenty of beautiful places ready for you to call home!