Once you decide you want to sell your home, the thoughts of everything you have to do beforehand start bombarding you. Before you throw in the towel and wonder what you have gotten yourself into, check out these four selling tips to get you and your home in a good place. This pre-listing prep can go a long way, as first impressions do make a huge difference with potential buyers. Set aside a few weekends, roll up your shirtsleeves, and dig in. While there is typically a long list of things that need to be done before listing your home, if you focus on these four areas, you’ll be in a great place to get that “for sale” sign in your yard!

1. Declutter and clean up.
Before you even think about cleaning your house up, the very first step is to declutter. Empty your home of unwanted and unneeded items by gathering things to throw out and donate. Once you purge the “stuff” from your home, it will feel so much better – more spacious and less busy. Keep the mindset that “less is more” when getting your house ready for the market. Don’t forget about those hidden areas, too. Potential buyers will walk through closets, check out the garage, look inside cabinets, etc., so be sure to tackle those areas as well, rather than stuffing them full of things to “deal with later.”
Next, it’s time to deep clean your home! But, on the bright side, with less stuff, it will be easier to clean up (now and when you move!). Pay special attention to the kitchen (the heart of the home), the bathrooms (that tend to get messy), windows, etc. Don’t forget to touch up any scuff marks on walls or doors and look for any cobwebs.
2. Focus on curb appeal.

“Wow” your potential buyers from the minute they drive up to your home. By impressing them with the exterior, you will get them excited to see the inside. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Repair broken guttering or downspouts.
- Trim back your shrubs and any trees that need it.
- Pull any weeds and remove any dead plants.
- Clean up your driveway and/or your sidewalk.
- Repaint or restain your fencing and front door.
- Add some flowers (if in season to do so)
For additional tips on how to boost your curb appeal, check out this blog where we go over some quick ideas to make an immediate positive first impression.
3. Make some small repairs.
Before you list your home, you’ll need to assess areas that need to be fixed. Here is a list of quick fixes that make a big difference that you can do yourself when you’re in a time crunch:
- Replace any caulking around sinks, tubs, showers, etc.
- Repaint or touch up any walls that need it.
- Fix any broken windows or damaged screens.
- Replace light bulbs as needed.
- Fix any loose door handles.
- Fill any nail holes and paint over them as needed.
4. Find a trusted real estate agent.

Last, but certainly not least, navigating the world of real estate without a trusted professional can be a difficult and potentially damaging process. Find yourself a great real estate agent to help you with the process. Do your research, check out reviews, and partner with someone who is knowledgeable and who you feel comfortable with.
With just a little effort, you’ll have your home ready to list in no time. If you are short of time and resources, follow these four guidelines, and you’ll be ahead of the game.
If you are beginning the process of selling your home, we would love to help. Give us a call at 417-777-3300, or swing by our office to chat.