Spring is coming! While it may not feel like it just yet, it will be here before we know it. And with this change in seasons comes beautiful flowers, new life, outdoor activities, spring cleaning, switching out wardrobes… While the latter part of that list excites some people and causes some dread in others, it’s good to have a game plan for the time when we can switch out our long pants for shorts and our sweaters for short-sleeved shirts. Decluttering your closet doesn’t have to be a monumental task that you put off. With these 4 tips, you can have it done quickly…and relatively stress-free!

1. Take your time.

Cleaning out your closet doesn’t have to be an all-day ordeal or even done all at once. It is helpful to do a quick run-through and get rid of anything that you know without a doubt should go. This should only take a few minutes, and most of us have some of those items that we know should have gone a while ago.
If you don’t have a lot of time, or if it’s too overwhelming to do at once, do a little bit now and save the rest for later. If you prefer to spread it out a bit, start making some piles – things that need to be thrown away, a donation pile, and a “maybe” pile. You can add to these with time.
2. Be honest with yourself.

This is the hardest part. Do any of these sound familiar?
- I forgot I had this! I’m going to wear it now.
- I really do like this. I promise to add it into my rotation.
- I bought this to wear on my vacation. I can’t part with it.
- If I lose just a few more pounds, this will work.
- I wear jeans all of the time. I can’t get rid of any of these.
We understand the struggle! But, if you haven’t worn that shirt in over 6 months, will you really wear it now? And do you really need that many pairs of jeans or that many shirts of the same color? Having sentimental ties to clothes can make this a hard step – whether it was for that special vacation or someone special gave it to you or it reminds you of a happy time. Just remember how liberating and satisfying it will feel once you have less clutter and more space in a small area that you visit multiple times per day. Adding some of these items to the donation pile may just be the solution, as you are allowing someone else the opportunity to have that special item for a while as well.
3. Maintain what you’ve done.

Now that you have made the tough choices and bagged up items to go, it’s important to try to maintain what you’ve done. Don’t spend the time purging your closet only to fill it back up to the brim again.
Be sure to reevaluate where you are regularly. Don’t be afraid to keep a bag handy to toss any items in that you have decided you can live without. Really try to pay attention to what you are wearing and what you aren’t. This will make the big closet clean-out a little less daunting the next time.
One final thought on closet maintenance… If you add new items, try to remove something that isn’t worn often. Try this – if you add two new items, try to remove two older items. This can help immensely with maintaining control of your wardrobe.
4. Move it out of your space.

When you have finished up the clean-out, be sure to get rid of the bags and boxes. Take what you have decided to donate to the donation center. By removing them, you will prevent the urge to drag some items back out and place them where they were in your closet. This is especially true for those sentimental pieces. You’ve done a great job getting rid of things, so make sure you complete the final step in removing them from your home.
Looking for other ways to declutter your home? Check out this post, 7 Ways to Contain the Chaos in Your Home, to learn more.