It’s about that time… Time for people all over the world to sit down and create their list of New Year’s resolutions. Some of the most common personal resolutions involve eating healthier, exercising more, and saving money. But as you look ahead to the new year, what are some goals you have set for your home?
No matter where you are in your journey as a homeowner, setting goals (and maybe even calendar reminders!) will help you get your home in order, ensure safety, and help prepare you in case of emergencies.

- Create an emergency fund.
Creating an emergency fund can save you in the long run. Think about those things that just come at you out of nowhere, such as a leaky roof, a malfunction with a water heater, etc. These unpredictable expenses can add up really quickly. If you have a fund set aside for these unforeseen circumstances, it will save you a lot of stress down the road. - Check all detectors.
Put a reminder on your calendar to regularly check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Change the batteries as needed, and consider purchasing a fire extinguisher in case of emergencies. - Survey your foundation.
Regularly check your foundation for any cracks. If you do find some, seek some help in sealing those up. Cracks that are left alone are an invitation to mice and other creepy-crawly pests to invade your home. - Make some energy effecient changes to your home.
The new year is a great time to make some energy efficient changes. Talk with your family about turning off lights when not in the room or when leaving your house. Consider replacing your light bulbs with more effecient ones. Adjust your thermostat while you’re at home or away. Small changes can make a big difference. - Improve curb appeal.
Take some time to plan out how to improve the curb appeal of your house. While it may not be front door painting weather, create a plan for the year and put it on your calendar. Maybe now is the time to pull the dead weeds, and maybe you can paint that door or the fence in spring. Having a plan on paper may be the nudge you need to get some things taken care of. - Take inventory of all of your “stuff” and get rid of some things.
If it’s been a while since you had a whole-house cleanout, maybe it’s time to get rid of some junk. Go room-by-room, see what you have, and get rid of what you don’t want anymore. Tackle the junk drawer, clean out the garage, and open up a lot of space in your home.
Click here for tips on how to get control of your garage again. - Check your furnace filters (and get on a schedule).
Check your furnace filters often. These help prevent dust and other allergens from entering your home, so it’s worth the time to check and maintain them. As this is a task that can easily be forgotten, consider adding calendar reminders to check and change them as needed. - Make an emergency kit.
No one wants to think about catastrophes. But it really is better to think about and prepare for them now, rather than kicking yourself after the fact. Now is a great time to create yourself a kit to keep in your shelter area for safekeeping. A few things to consider tucking away include nonperishable food items, water, an emergency radio, a first aid kit, flashlights, etc. - Clean those neglected areas of the home.
Yes, we all have areas that are neglected. Try to create a list of those places and tackle them one-by-one. Some common areas that get neglected include the oven, beside or underneath the refrigerator, the dishwasher, and the dryer vents. - Create a family cleaning system.
With your family, go through and create a system to get (and keep) your house clean. Break tasks down to daily cleaning, weekly cleaning, etc. For example, putting the dishes away, putting all dirty clothes in the hamper, and putting backpacks on their respective hooks could be added to the daily task list. Mopping the floor, washing the dog’s nose prints off the back door, etc., could be on the weekly task list.
Assign age-appropriate chores to your kids. While they may not be 100% on board with this resolution, it will be good for them to contribute, and you won’t have to do it all by yourself. Win-win!
While these may not be your typical New Year’s resolutions, they are important and can help you down the road. From setting up an emergency house fund to creating a house that’s clean, safe, and organized, you can make your home your safe haven in 2022.
Here at Missouri Home, Farm, & Land Realty LLC, we wish you a Happy New Year. May your 2022 be full of love, hope, and happy memories in your home.
Looking for more ways to create systems and increase organization in your home? Check out our blog post “7 Ways to Contain the Chaos in Your Home.”