When it comes time to downsize and move to a smaller home, it can be bittersweet. But as you embark on this new venture in life, it’s important to preserve all of the happy memories while trying to minimize as much clutter as possible. While it can be an emotional process, it can also be a fresh start for our seniors and families. Fill your new (smaller) home with fewer items that you truly cherish. You won’t feel suffocated by all of the “stuff,” but it will still feel like home.

There are many benefits to downsizing.
There are many reasons to downsize once you get to a certain age – lower monthly payment, lower energy bills, less to maintain on a daily basis, moving to your dream location, moving closer to your children or loved ones, etc. It can truly be a wonderful stage of life! However, we understand the difficulty in saying “goodbye” to the home you’ve known for many years, the home you raised your family in, or the home that has been your safe haven…
Here are some of the more common reasons to downsize:

- Warmer/Cooler Weather: Depending on the time of year, when you are at a point in your life to be able to pack up and move for a period of time, many people make different areas of the country (or world) their home. Weather can definitely lure people in during certain times of year. Warm weather in the winter and cooler weather in the summer can get people on the move quickly.
- Family: Moving to be closer to children (or grandchildren) or other family is a common reason to make a big move. Sometimes settling down closer to people to help you as you get older makes the aging process easier and gives loved ones peace of mind. If you are starting to feel isolated and lonely without family, it may be time to think about the possibilities of moving closer.
- Financial Benefits: Downsizing to a smaller abode can be better financially. Cutting on costs, such as monthly payments, electric bills, etc., can help the pocket book of those who may not have a huge need for all the extra space or who may live on a fixed income. Do you have extra, unused rooms? Are you struggling to maintain what you currently have, whether physically or financially? If so, it may be time to think about downsizing.
- House Layout: When we get to a certain age, there may be some things that we need to consider. Do I need to be climbing up flights of stairs now or in 10 years? Are you able to access your entryway easily, or do you have to walk quite a ways to get inside? These are all things that you may want to change before the time comes when these may become an issue for you.
Where do you start when downsizing?
Make a plan.
Work together with a loved one to create a solid plan. Visit your new location to figure out how much you need to downsize. What will the weather be like? How much square footage will you have? What is your budget? Is everything easily accessible?
These are all questions you need to consider during this planning phase. Once you have an idea of what you have to work with, the next step will be much smoother.
Start sorting & organizing.

It can be difficult to sort through a lifetime of memories and items you’ve collected. But allowing yourself plenty of time to go through your belongings will help decrease the stress factor, as well as allow yourself to get adjusted to the idea of your new norm (and maybe even get excited about the change!).
Once you have a better idea of what your new place will look like and how much room you have, start working a little each day to get rid of things. This will include everything from trinkets to furniture, and everything in between. If you are going someplace warm, you might keep those lawn chairs! If you’re packing up for a cooler climate, keep that in mind when deciding what to keep and what to toss.
Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself throughout this process:
- Do I need this?
- How often do I really use this item?
- Does it have sentimental value to me or my family?
Say goodbye and prepare for the big move.
Don’t be afraid to enlist help with packing. Moving is not an easy task, and it should not be done alone!
Just as saying goodbye to your items is hard, saying goodbye to your home may come as a challenge as well. Allow yourself time and surround yourself with people you love – family, friends, neighbors, etc. They can all help through this process. Have a party, take pictures, or do something special to celebrate the occasion.
As you transition to your new home, take it all in and enjoy the new experience. While change can be hard, it can also be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable.
If you’re looking into the possibility of downsizing, click here to get in touch. We’ll see what’s available and walk you through that process.