Summer is right around the corner; The season for barbecues, pool parties, yard games, and HOT weather. It doesn’t take long for our beautiful green grass to become brown and dry as the heat cranks up and we spend more time out in the yard. There are ways to maintain green grass in the summer months. In fact, the process of keeping a healthy lawn is not overly complicated. Here are a few tips on maintaining healthy, green grass in the summer months.
Mow your grass high and often.

Did you know there’s a “right” way to mow your lawn? The lawn experts recommend mowing your grass high and often. The trick to maintaining green grass is to keep your mower on a high setting leaving the grass at least 3 inches tall. These taller blades will provide more shade for your lawn’s root system resulting in deeper, stronger roots and more moisture in the soil.
When you mow your grass high, you’ll have to mow more often. Don’t let your grass get too long. Cutting off more than ⅓ of the length of grass at a time can cause your grass to get scorched and dry out.
Finally, keep your mower well-maintained. Sharpen the blades and change the oil, filter and spark plugs. Dull mower blades can harm your grass by tearing at it instead of getting a clean cut. You’ll know if your blades are dull by looking at your grass. Dull mower blades leave the grass with brown tips.
Water your lawn thoroughly in the early morning.

The key to healthy watering is to water your lawn deeply on a regular basis. Rather than watering a little bit every day, it’s best to water your lawn thoroughly 2-3 times a week with about 1-1.5 inches of water. Don’t be afraid to soak your lawn during dry spells to avoid dormancy. Also, be aware of rainfall and avoid overwatering during those times.
The time of day also matters when it comes to watering your lawn. Water early in the day, between 5 and 10 a.m., before the sun is high. You want to give your grass a chance to properly absorb the water. If you water during the heat of the day, it’s likely that the water will evaporate too quickly, before it gets to the soil and roots. Alternatively, if you water at night, the grass could get overly saturated to the point that the grass cannot absorb it. Too much moisture could cause fungal disease.
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Fertilize and aerate on a regular basis.

Your lawn needs “food” to stay healthy. The rule of thumb is to fertilize your lawn every six weeks or so to maintain green grass. That’s about how long it takes for the microbes in the soil to process nutrients. Apply a slow-release fertilizer to give your grass the nutrients it needs and to protect it from the hot sun. Fertilizer helps the grass grow thick, crowd out weeds, and keep the soil cool enough. It also benefits your lawn to use a mulching mower. This will naturally fertilize the lawn by recycling the nutrients in the grass clippings back into the soil.
Not only does your lawn need “food,” but it also needs to “breathe.” Aerating your lawn will allow it to absorb water and nutrients more easily. If you’re looking for an economical option, you can aerate your lawn with a garden fork. Just push the fork into the ground every 12 inches or so. You can also utilize an aerator, which we definitely recommend for larger lawns, or hire a lawn aerating service.
Repair the trouble spots.
Do you have pets? Pet waste and traffic are one of the most common contributors to lawn damage. Often, dogs will choose one spot to do their business which ends up over-fertilizing that spot. This makes it difficult to maintain green grass. Some lawn care companies sell lawn repair kits that can help you regrow these brown patches. Maybe the summertime will allow you more opportunities to get your pet out and give your grass a break. Going for walks, visiting the dog park, and hiking a trail are great ways to keep your dogs AND your grass healthy!
Another source of lawn damage: WEEDS! It’s best to stay on top of those pesky weeds before they get out of control. Remove weeds early and often. You may be tempted to spray your whole yard with weed killer all at once, but the best approach is to pull weeds manually or target the weeds with weed killer spray as they pop up.
It’s inevitable that your lawn will get damaged from regular wear and tear and everyday traffic. At the end of the summer season, over seed your lawn in those trouble spots to help regrow and thicken those spots next year.
Looking for ways to improve your backyard? Read 5 Ways to Add Value to Your Backyard.