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How To Know When You’ve Found That Just-Right Home

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That feeling on an awkward first date

Looking at a new home for the first time is kind of like going on a first date. You show up not sure what to expect, and you walk away with your head spinning wondering if it went well. Although we’re not dating experts, we can help guide you in knowing when you’ve found that just-right home. From the moment you’re perusing photos online to the moment you’re driving away from that first showing, look for these indicators to know when you’ve found the one – that just-right home!

Before you pull in the driveway…

Write down a list of things you want that just-right home to have before you start looking.

Before you even get a glimpse of a home, you want to know that it meets your basic requirements. There’s really no point in falling in love with a house that is out of your price range or doesn’t meet your needs. It just leads to heartbreak in the end. Before you start looking for that just-right home, pull out your Personal Home Buying Wishlist. Does the house have the right number of bedrooms? Is it in a neighborhood you’re interested in? Does it fall within your budget? Ask all of these questions before you schedule a showing.

If you can answer “yes” to these basic questions, then go take a look! You’re on the right track to finding that just-right home you’re looking for!

As you pull up…

Driving up to the just-right home and checking out the neighborhood.

As you’re pulling up to the house, do a quick scan of the neighborhood. Try to get a feel for what condition the other houses are in. As a rule of thumb, you never want to have the nicest house on the street. It will be difficult for the home to hold its value. Get an idea of how the neighbors maintain their yards. Do they park on the street or in a garage? What’s your overall feeling as you approach the house?

Not only do you want to peek at the surrounding houses as you drive by; try to get an idea of who lives there. This House-Choosing Checklist from claims that the more that people have in common with their neighbors, the more likely they are going to feel connected to the community overall according to a study by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam. Bumper stickers and sports gear can help you get an idea of what the neighbors value and like to do. Bikes and basketball hoops are good indicators that young children live nearby.

Once the house is in sight, measure your reaction. That just-right home will often feel like a good fit from the moment you lay eyes on it. The house, the yard, take it all in. What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Once you walk in the door…

The feeling you get when you walk into the entryway of that just-right home.

Let’s say so far, the house is exactly what you’ve been looking for. It looks good on paper and you like what you’ve seen up to this point. Now it’s time to take your first step inside. That just-right home will draw you in from the moment you drive up. Often people will hover in doorways and poke their heads into different rooms if they aren’t overly interested or feel uncomfortable. If you find yourself walking into rooms and visualizing your furniture in there, well, this could be the just-right home you’ve been looking for!

As you walk around, take note of all of the projects the house needs. You’ll want to determine which things the current owners will need to take care of before the sale occurs and which things will be on your dime. A fixer upper can be a great fit, but don’t overestimate your budget or your skill level when it comes to renovating. If you find yourself saying things like, “That can be fixed,” and “No big deal,” that’s a sign that you’d feel comfortable calling this place “home.”

After you leave…

Based on your thoughts and conversations after you leave, you’ll know if a house was a good fit. If you find yourself thinking about it, talking about it, and texting your mom about it, these are great indications that the home was a just-right fit. That just-right home will have you wanting to schedule another visit before you’re even out of the driveway.

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